Game update 1.5 is now live. Please use the game launcher to update your client files.
Client changes
Added the Hailstonebluff hollow dungeon next to the frost elf city of Freylyn.
Added the Dragonstone dungeon. It is next to the city of Agartha.
Rock dungeon level 1 has been completely redesigned.
The town of Namachi has been build in the Samurai Empire lands.
The Firebriar graveyard has been redesigned.
The forests around the world now have less trees in them.
Localization updates to fix old titles
Updated the Uor data file for the world map. All towns, the shops within them, and POI should now be marked and can easily be found.
Dungeons with mountains in them have had the mountains adjusted. This is in preperation for future updates.
Server Changes
Monsters in the token dungeon will now drop tokens instead of gold.
Chests is the token dungeon will now have tokens instead of gold.
When you are paralyzed you will not be able to break the paralyze by simply taking damage. Drink a nightsight potion!
Nightsight potions will now free you when you're paralyzed.
Cursed are no longer red.
Fixed issues with the resource storage container. You will now be able to change the withdraw amount by pressing a button.
Fixed issues with the repair bench. The bench will now accurately display the amount of charges left. It also will no longer check your skill when attempting to repair an item.
Plentiful token aptitude will now gain correctly if you are using summons or pets.
Skill gain has been adjusted. Should be easier to gain skills. This will probably be adjust in the future.
The abyss now will spawn less random monsters.
The gem, metallic, and other colored dragon types will now keep their types after a server restart.
The grinder is a new item that can be crafted via the carpentry skill. It is used to grind up coffee pods.
Coffee plants can now be found as loot in Hailstonebluff hollow.
Freylyn has had it's guard zone adjusted to cover the whole town.
The price of milk from NPC vendors has been increased.
Fixed an error in the crafting of green tea from the cooking menu,
Town Criers have temporarily been removed from the game.
Food and drink now have a purpose.
Being not hungry will give you a bonus to skill gain.
Certain drinks will now give buffs. Hot cocoa, Coffee, milk, and green tea.
Food will give a buff dependant on the quality of the food. Low, regular, and exceptional. This will give a buff to HP, Stam, and mana regeneration.
Food from chests will now have a chance to be poisoned or spoiled.
Monsters in Hailstone Bluff Hollow will now drop ice crystals.
Monsters throughout the land are getting new abilities. These no abilities will make them stronger and less predictable.
Brigands and evil mages will no longer drop their armor or robes.
2/25/22 Game Update 1.5
- Site Admin
- Posts: 20
- Joined: Sun Jul 18, 2021 8:33 pm
Re: 2/25/22 Game Update 1.5
Sacks of flour now will now work correctly when used in cooking. An open sack of flour will now have 20 uses before it is totally consumed.